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Hi I’m Susan. I’m a wife, and a mother. By profession, I’m a healthcare worker, and a proud digital business owner.
My journey of being a digital business owner started when I realized that my career as a healthcare worker was taking me away from my family. Being a mom with young kids I needed something to supplement my income and cut down my hours of work so I could have more time to spend with my kids.
In my search of what could be the best option for me, I came across this opportunity. Though I was afraid and skeptical, I decided to take my chances anyway.
Now I have my own business, I’m building a legacy in the process. I’m grateful to God for not allowing my fears stop me. This was the best decision I’ve ever made for myself and my family. You can too. As long as you have a strong desire for a change, you can break any barriers before you. Take your chances and watch your dreams unfold right before your eyes through this opportunity. Talk to you soon 🔜.
Susan Torbor
You are one step away from success!
*As with any business, results will vary and cannot be guaranteed.
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